Apple-webDSE Risk Assessment

To avoid severe penalties, every employer has an legal obligation to complete a workstation Display Screen Equipment (DSE) assessment for their employees.

Tawsa Ltd can provide you with trained assessors who can identify risks and the best ways to manage them, ensuring that you are complying with UK laws, improving employee work conditions and improving output.

The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) 1992 regulations make it a legal requirement for employers to assess and set measures for the health and safety of their employees using Display Screen Equipment. This includes any device that has a display screen such as laptops, touch-screens and similar devices. It also covers anything used in a DSE workstation such as work chairs and work desks.

Display Screen Risk Assessment

The Health and Safety 1992 regulations place a duty of care upon the employer who becomes responsible for the DSE workstations for every employee. Therefore the employer has a legal duty to ensure that competent DSE assessments have taken place for each employee and that the health and safety of employees using DSE has been properly assessed and controlled. In the event that an adequate DSE assessment has not been conducted in a place of work the employer is liable for any prosecution or fines. Employers could face fines of up to £20,000 under the Health and Safety Offences Act 2008. To avoid this, you must have a DSE assessment for every employee working with Display Screen Equipment.

Display Screen Equipment Regulations 1992

Government guidelines state 5 key components of a DSE risk assessment that must be carried out for it to comply with health and safety laws. These are:

  • Identifying the hazards to the user of a DSE workstation
  • Identifying who the people at risk are and how
  • Evaluating the risks to the individual and if measures should be taken to ensure minimal risk to the individual
  • Recording the findings and ensuring your employees know all the relevant information and advice about working with DSE
  • Reviewing your assessment regularly, especially if there are changes to the type of work and revising it where necessary.

In order to comply with government standards for a DSE risk assessment, a competent assessor is required to carry out the DSE assessment, especially if you employ many users of DSE. The assessor can help to identify who is covered by current regulations, assess risks and put measures in place to combat these risks and provide training to both employers and employees. Having a suitable DSE assessment can also help to maximise production in the workplace.

We can provide you with trained assessors to ensure a suitable and sufficient DSE risk assessment is completed, making sure that your business complies with health and safety laws.

We have NEBOSH-accredited specialists who will carry out efficient and thorough DSE risk assessments, ensuring minimal disruption to your business. Our team of trained assessors will give you the best advice on managing DSE workstations and will ensure all of our clients are in compliance with the relevant health and safety regulations.

Our trained assessors offer our clients practical steps to protect your workers and your business, ensuring you complete peace of mind.